The San Francisco Bay Shoreline Contamination Cleanup Coalition mobilizes for the safe, comprehensive, and immediate cleanup of all toxic and radioactive contamination near the SF Bay shoreline, where sea level rise due to the climate crisis will spread the contamination. Environmental and climate justice is our highest priority.

We educate, unite, and mobilize a diverse network of grassroots community, environmental and climate justice, environmental, social justice, indigenous, faith-based, and youth organizations to work for safe, comprehensive cleanup of toxic and radioactive sites on and around the San Francisco Bay shoreline.
We engage with governments and government agencies at all levels to ensure that they follow their mandates and laws to protect frontline communities and safeguard vibrant and healthy social and natural ecosystems
In our coalition work we strive to practice the Principles of Environmental Justice and the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing. We also promote these principles among our member organizations.
The SF Bay Shoreline CCC demands that city, regional, state, and federal agencies implement immediate, comprehensive, safe cleanup and removal or remediation of all toxic and radioactive waste on or near the San Francisco Bay shoreline.
The waste must be removed immediately, as rising sea and groundwater levels already threaten to inundate numerous contamination sites on and near the shoreline, and spread deadly contamination into communities and the bay itself.
Each community may have specific demands with respect to the circumstances and needs of that community, but in general we demand that:
1. Toxic and radioactive waste must be cleaned up, not just covered up.
2. Protect the health of residents during and after the cleanup process, which may include providing safe relocation and subsequent return to their current residences.
3. Toxic and radioactive contaminated material that is removed must be safely transported and stored in the least harmful new location.
Current Voting Members
(alphabetical order)
Membership in the San Francisco Bay Shoreline Contamination Cleanup Coalition is open to all grassroots community, environmental justice, environmental, climate, social justice, faith-based, youth, and Indigenous organizations who support our mission and are willing to work together respectfully and in solidarity with each other. Groups that receive funding from polluters and/or have polluters on their board of directors/advisory board are not eligible for membership. Individual people are not considered “members” with member privileges such as voting.
350 San Francisco is a local group within 350 Bay Area, working on a variety of initiatives in support of their justice-focused mission: Build a grassroots climate movement in the Bay Area and beyond to eliminate carbon pollution and achieve a clean energy future with racial, economic, and environmental justice.

Bayview Hunters Point Mothers and Fathers Committee,
a grassroots community organization educating and mobilizing residents to demand environmental justice and an end to decades of environmental racism, contamination and injustice.

Breathe catalyzes and sustains networks to amplify and support work for racial, environmental, and climate justice. They nourish bold, intersectional, resourced movements that support vibrant communities and healthy ecosystems — toward a just, equitable, regenerative world for all.

Citizens for East Shore Parks works to conserve natural resources and wildlife habitat and to secure public access to shoreline open space along our magnificent East Bay shoreline.

Climate Reality Project, Bay Area Chapter has advanced The Climate Reality Project’s mission since 2015, catalyzing local solutions to the climate crisis in every corner of the Bay Area. They enable hundreds of trained climate leaders and the public to work together as a tight-knit team to spark urgent action and rapid adoption of solutions to the climate crisis.

Extinction Rebellion, SF Bay Area, brings the Rebellion home to the financial institutions, politicians, corporations and individuals in the Bay Area that need to wake up and change in time to prevent Climate Disaster.

Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice mobilizes community power to win victories that change government and corporate policies and practices to protect health and to promote environmental, social, economic and climate justice.

Mare Island Heritage Trust works to protect, preserve, restore, manage, interpret, promote as a destination and provide for an engaging visitor experience of the open space, historic, cultural and natural resources of Mare Island and its vicinity.

Marie Harrison Community Foundation is a community-based 501(c)3 in Bayview Hunters Point that helps to strengthen a new generation of leaders through individual passions and community investment outside of the structures that have long been disenfranchising people of color.

Marin City Climate Resilience and Health Justice
advocates for rightful inclusion in planning and community preparedness, as well as the equitable allocation of resources.

Our City San Francisco is a progressive grassroots network dedicated to linking families, neighbors, communities and elected officials with a shared vision of a better San Francisco and California.

Richmond Shoreline Alliance is an alliance of Richmond area residents, organizations, and allies dedicated to environmental justice, environmental protection, and an accessible and healthy Richmond shoreline now and for future generations.

San Francisco Baykeeper has defended the Bay since 1989. They patrol on the water, investigate pollution, hold polluters accountable, and strengthen the laws that protect the Bay and the people of the Bay Area.

Sunflower Alliance is committed to environmental justice and the health and safety of all Bay Area communities threatened by toxic pollution and climate change. They are fighting against the poisoning of our communities and the destruction of our planet, and for an equitable and sustainable economy fueled by renewable energy sources—wind, water and solar.

West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project builds resilient communities through environmental justice. They use a collaborative model of power sharing to equip residents with the skills and expertise to drive change in their own neighborhoods.

Youth Vs Apocalypse is a diverse group of young climate justice activists working together to lift the voices of youth, in particular youth of color and working class youth. Their collective action aims to fight for a livable climate and an equitable, sustainable, and just world.

Contact Us
While our site and action tools are under construction, please email the coalition with your questions and interests. We welcome frontline communities, organizations and concerned citizens. info@sfbayshorelineccc.org